Frequently Asked Questions

What does MotaWord mean?

This is a question we get a lot. It is a play on the French term “mot à mot” which translates as “word for word”. We used a little translation twist and changed one of the “mot” with its English equivalent “word” to depict our trade - translation.


How do you maintain the confidentiality of our content?

The documents you submit online are safe with us. MotaWord uses an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, dedicated servers, and (most importantly) vetted translators who sign non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements.


Which file formats does MotaWord support?

We support a variety of file formats and the list grows every day. You may upload these file formats for an instant quote MS Office Legacy (.doc, .ppt, .xls), MS Office Modern (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx), Open Office (.odt, .odp, .odg), text-based (.txt, .pdf, .srt, .sbv, .xliff), programming (.html, .htm, .xhtml, .ini, .xml, .json, .php). To see the full list of the supported file formats, click here. For special file requirements please contact us.


Which languages does MotaWord support?

We always recruit professional translators to work on our platform and our language list grows every day. It is important for us as a global operator to make sure that we have enough talented translators for cross-languages before we display a language pair on our system (German into Thai, anyone?). Currently, we have over 28,000 translators providing service in 118 languages. To see a full list of the supported languages, click here.


Which payment options are offered?

You may use any major credit card to pay for our translation service. We are working on incorporating a PayPal payment and a Dwolla payment option. Corporate account holders get billed at the end of each month for the services performed.


Do you have a partner program?

We currently do not, but will be developing one as this has been frequently inquired.


How do I get in touch about potential partnerships?

Please email us at


What if I need to have changes to my translation?

You are able to review your translations as they are done in real time, provide feedback, and make sure that they are done correctly. But should you need any further changes to be done, no worries; you will have 1 day for review for every 1000 words to be translated. Past that time, the translations will be considered as approved and our translators will be compensated for their work.


How may i cancel an order?

You may cancel your order at any time by contacting us via e-mail. Please note that you will be liable for the completed portions of the translation from the time of your cancellation request until the cancellation is effective.


Do you offer volume discounts?

If you are a corporate account holder, you will be ordering service in select languages at a preferred price based on your use statistics.


What is an academic evaluation for USCIS?

An academic evaluation for USCIS involves the assessment of foreign academic credentials to determine their U.S. equivalents. This process ensures that your international academic achievements are accurately recognized according to U.S. standards, which is crucial for immigration applications, employment, education, or residency purposes​​.


What documents are required for an academic evaluation?

Typically, you will need to provide high-quality PDF scans of your official original certificates, diplomas, or degrees with transcripts/mark sheets (courses and grades). If applicable, you should also provide proof of name change. Additionally, certified English translations of these documents are necessary if they are not already in English​​.


Why do I need to translate my academic documents?

Your foreign language diplomas and transcripts must be translated into English to be used in the evaluation and for submission as part of the evaluation file. Certified translations ensure that the documents meet USCIS standards and help immigration officers understand and validate your academic credentials accurately​​​​.


Who can translate my academic documents for USCIS?

For USCIS applications, translations should be performed by a professional translator or translation agency that provides certified translations. The translator must be proficient in both the source and target languages, and the translation should include a certification of accuracy and completeness​​​​. You can read more about MotaWord’s Evaluation service here.


How long does the academic evaluation process take?

The duration of the academic evaluation process can vary depending on the complexity of the credentials and the volume of documents. However, some services, such as MotaWord, offer fast turnaround times, such as delivering certified translations within 12 hours. The evaluation itself can take up to 72 hours, but we can deliver it the same day if you place an urgent order.


What should I do if my degree does not have a direct US equivalent?

If your degree or academic credential does not have a direct U.S. equivalent, the evaluation service will identify the closest U.S. equivalent or provide a descriptive title that accurately reflects your level of education. An explanatory note may be included to provide additional context about the foreign degree, helping U.S. authorities understand its significance​​.


Is MotaWord a member of NACES or AICE?

MotaWord is not affiliated with NACES or AICE. However, we provide evaluation services that meet U.S. federal government requirements for immigration and federal employment. Private organizations, such as employers and universities, and state governments may require evaluations from NACES or AICE members. MotaWord's evaluations are conducted using the International Education Standards Council (IESC), which aligns with AACRAO EDGE standards.
